Gaurav Sharma

Hi I am Gaurav Sharma, Done my Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology branch from Army Institute of Technology, Pune.

My Projects

  • Real Time Attendence Monitoring System

    Made real time attendance monitoring system using Python, Deep Learning, Socket programming and deployed it using Raspberry pi.

  • Mess management system for AIT

    Made a website using HTML, CSS, Django and MySQL aimed to reduce food wastage in my college mess.

  • NLP Text summarizer

    Made extractive text summarizer using NLP. Deployed it using Python framework - Flask on Heroku.

  • Capsule Neural Network

    Made Deep Learning models of Siamese network using CNN and CapsNet to differentiate between two images and study the differences in their performance.

  • Will your employees leave you?

    Model Predicts the employee attrition rate. It was a hackerearth challenge and i got rank of 5/5100+.

  • Crazy-driver-detection.

    Check if driver is drowsy or not! Alarm beeps up if driver's eyes are noticed close for a few seconds.

  • Predict if the server will be hacked.

    Novartis Data Science Hiring Challenge on Hackerearth: Predict if the server will be hacked. Achieved accuracy of: 98.38

  • Identify dimensions of all objects in an image.

    This python script will find out all the dimensions(length and breadth) of objects present in the image. Just give it a reference object from the image.

  • Fortinet LogIn BoT

    Hack: Used Selenium in Python to automate the login procedure into Fortinet at the time of System Startup.


Here is What I Have Learned so Far

  • Python
  • Machine Learning
  • NLP
  • OOPs
  • C++
  • C
  • MySQL
  • Algorithms
  • Data Structures
  • DBMS
  • JavaScript
  • Operating System
  • Git
  • Linux
  • Event Management

Work Experience

  • Reach Technologies

    Data Science Intern
    • Worked on data gathering part from online sources, cleaning and analysis.
    • Used Selenium (Web automation tool) for Web Scraping.

    Date:Sept 2019 to Oct 2019

  • Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

    Research Intern
    •Worked on Capsule Neural Network (CapsNet) which is a type of ANN.
    • Made Deep learning models of Siamese network using CNN and CapsNet to study the differences in their performance.

    Date:May 2019 to July 2019

  • Persistent Systems

    ML Intern
    • Worked on keyword searching and NLP Text summarizer using Python.
    • Completed this end to end and deployed it using Python framework - Flask on Heroku.

    Date:May 2020 to June 2020